Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

On today's class agenda:

- Study vocabulary 12 on Quizlet first ten minutes of class
- Vocabulary worksheet - 
www.testmoz.com/1982253 (password required)
- Using Multimedia in PowerPoint – Independent Assignment – Creating, Saving, and Using Video in PowerPoint

Please continue working on your PowerPoint presentation we started on December 15 --
These are PowerPoint presentations about your Christmas list, your family's holiday traditions, or your dream summer vacation. Please include at least 10 slides, 10 images, 10 specific items (Christmas list), traditions, or activities (vacation), and links to at least three web sites where you can get items on your Christmas list, find useful information for your holiday traditions, or get information about your vacation activities. 

Then please add a video created in PowerPoint (by using the techniques we used yesterday) to one of the slides in your presentation. The video should be created in PowerPoint, using at least 5 slides.

Today's applicable Oklahoma curriculum standards:

8.CS.HS.01 Design and refine projects that combine hardware and software components to collect and exchange data.
L1.CS.HS.01 Explain the interactions between application software, system software, and hardware.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

On today's class agenda: - Please complete the technology news worksheet at www.testmoz.com/2129939 and the technology news worksheet...